Sunday, December 31, 2023

Completed: Max Payne 2

Finished this one right before the year ended. I have started this game countless times but for some reason never finished it. Really feels like a winter game to me which spurred me on to play it again. An all-time classic. Like most Remedy games this shit is DRIPPING with style (and even substance, too) and shooting bad guys in slow motion will always be fun.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The viagra4free GOTY 2023 Award

Super Mario Wonder

                                                          We spared no expense this year in the graphics department

This was a very easy decision. It felt like I've been waiting for this game my whole life...or well since New Super Mario Bros U came out in 2012. Every bit of it oozes that patented Nintendo charm and countless times throughout the game I found myself smiling without even realizing it. "Unbridled sense of joy" is a phrase that comes to mind when I think of this game (yeah, I think about phrases in my spare time) and that is the best way I can describe this game. Here's to hoping there's DLC or at least not another 11 year wait for more 2d Mario. Thanks, Nintendo.