Monday, June 26, 2023

Completed: TotK

 *Beat TotK. Not much I can say here that hasn't already been said by everyone in the world but what a great game, thoroughly enjoyed my time playing this. Other than the time I spent waiting for my master sword to recover.
Liked: Flying around with the paraglider to discover new places never gets old
Loved: Using the new mechanics to figure out puzzles/shrines in the most janky way possible
Loathed: Re-used music from BotW for all the villages and towns. Lack of weapon durability still gets old after awhile despite the fusing mechanic

Weekend 24

Played the FF16 demo, I liked it enough but it's feels like just an action game (one that's a lot of fun) with the Final Fantasy name on it and I'm not a huge fan of the setting. Still though, looked very impressive and I would like to play it but I think after TotK I may take a little break from massive, epic adventures for the time being (though FF16 should take me about 50 hours less to beat than I played TotK).

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