Thursday, August 31, 2023

Completed: Halo Reach

And thus ends my journey with the original set of Halo games developed by Bungie. Reach was definitely my favorite. Really enjoyed the variety of missions and it just felt like the most polished Halo experience.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Completed: Halo 3 ODST

This took me about a day to beat, certainly feels more like an expansion pack than a full game. Enjoyed it nonetheless (aside from the stupid love story) and it was a nice change of pace. Onto Halo Reach

Monday, August 21, 2023

Completed: Halo 3

What a great game, feel a little sad I missed out on this experience back in 2007.Thoroughly enjoyed every bit of this game. A little sad I only have ODST and Halo Reach left for the original games by Bungie but I'm savoring every moment. Onto ODST next.



Friday, August 18, 2023

Completed: Spryo 3: Year of the Dragon

My first ever Spyro game and I loved it. As a kid I was put off by how kiddie it seemed and I was more into Crash Bandicoot (because it was the 90s and you HAD to pick a side when it came to gaming mascots). How stupid I was. I wanted to play it on PS1 as opposed to the HD remakes to see what it was like back then and I was not disappointed. This is easily one of the most polished PS1 games I've ever played and as a fan of collectathons it's a bit silly it's taken me this long to play it. Would definitely like to play the rest in the trilogy at some point.

Loved: Pretty much everything. Definitely an all-time classic collectathon platformer
Meh: Playing as other characters could get old and feel forced but as the third game in the series I get why they added that to keep it fresh considering all three games were released in a 3 year span.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Completed: Batsugun

Another shmup and one that's considered the first bullet hell at that. I'm definitely not good enough to be playing bullet hell games but this one is way more manageable (I still died like a million times in the later levels). Power ups for all 3 characters are great, you can really blow up shit all over the screen with these fuckers, swear.

Completed: Cotton Reboot

I've been playing some shmups lately and had a lot of fun with Cotton Reboot. My first time playing a "cute'em up" and despite its cute look it is definitely a challenging game. I love all these re-issues of classic shmups since they allow for accessibility when it comes to lives and continues, however this game isn't that difficulty, especially if you put in some time to remember patterns of enemies. That being said I certainly continued multiple times before I beat the game.