Friday, November 10, 2023

Games I've been playing lately - Fall 2023 edition

I haven't completed many games lately but have certainly been playing quite a few:

-Ray'z Arcade Chronology. Having a ton of fun playing Raystorm, one of my favorite shmups and one that I have fond memories with as a child in the early days of Playstation. It's been a blast to play Raycrisis too, a game I've always wanted to play but the price of it has always put me off.

-TES: Skyrim. Having a lot of fun jumping back into the game and who knows, maybe I'll finally complete (does one actually complete Skyrim?) it.

-Gran Turismo 7. New SPEC II update has been a lot of fun for me and the new Sophy AI races are surprisingly fun. Still wish there was a standard championship mode like in GTs of old but I'll take what I can get.
-Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire. This and the GBC Pokemon Pinball are such great games. I didn't play this when it released but it reminds me of a simpler time and that's good enough sometimes. Not to sell the game short though, easily the best pinball experience on the GBA.
 -SSB: Melee. Thanks to Slippi it's been a lot of fun getting destroyed by randoms in Melee. I'll never actually be good but that's okay

-Reel Fishing II. Welp, I'm officially into fishing games. There is something I love so much about the full motion video backgrounds. Couple that with relaxing music and catching some fuckin' fish and I'm all aboard.

-Mario Kart 7 and 8. We're always playing Mario Kart in some capacity in this household.

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