Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Completed: Super Mario 64

Wow, finally beat one of the games that defined my childhood. Can't even count how many times I've played this at friends houses or started a save up myself but never seemed to push past the 40 star mark after the initial few levels. Still holds up as one of the best platformers ever and is made even better by the Render96 mod, which I played on my 3DS. 60FPS Mario 64 is truly stunning when you're used to the  standard 64 version chugging along at 20FPS. 

While I don't let this affect my judgement of the game, it's very hard for me to play this and not think about all the childhood memories I had of this game. Being so amazed and perplexed at the same time by the castle and how the level structure worked. Being confused as to why Mario had life points now and didn't just get bigger or smaller depending on power ups or being hit. Hell, just figuring out the weirdly 3-pronged N64 controller and learning how to use an analog stick was an adventure. All great memories to be sure and it was a blast to get to relive those while finally ticking this one off the list.

                                  Super Mario 64 - Wikipedia


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